The government has announced a “Committee on Quantum Strategy,” headed by the Prime Minister. Additionally, a “Quantum Comprehensive Plan” will be developed every five years to nurture the quantum technology industry, with an annual implementation plan prepared in alignment with this comprehensive plan.
During the “Digital Innovation Festa DINNO 2024 – Quantum Forum 2024” on this 11th, Juyeon Yoo, Deputy Director of the Quantum Technology Division at the Ministry of Science and ICT, stated that the new “Act on Nurturing Quantum Science and Technology and the Quantum Industry (Quantum Technology Industry Act)” will take effect on November 1st. This act will enable the establishment of governance for quantum initiatives and set the foundation for the Quantum comprehensive plan.
The government will establish a Quantum Strategy Committee with participation from ministries that develop and demand quantum technology, along with the ‘Quantum Frontier Strategy Council,’ which is a permanent public-private communication channel including the research and industrial sectors. The Committee on Quantum Strategy consists of nine government ministries including the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Intelligence Services, the Ministry of National Defense, and operates working committees, expert committees, and advisory committees under it.
Deputy Director Yoo remarked “Although our scale is modest compared to countries like the U.S., we have allocated about 200 billion won in next year’s R&D budget. We are also committing 9.8 billion won to quantum computing and 15.4 billion won to quantum communications and sensors as flagship projects, with a total project budget of 729.2 billion won planned for 2025 to 2031. Currently, the project is under review for adequacy.”
In April, the government unveiled its “Quantum Initiative,” targeting a significant leap in quantum capabilities. The initiative aims to elevate Korea’s technology level from 65% of the leading countries’ standards as of 2022 to 80% by 2030 and 85% by 2035. It also seeks to nurture quantum workforces, doubling the number of PI-level experts from 500 to 1,000 by 2030 and reaching 2,500 by 2035.
Deputy Director Yoo stated, “Quantum technology holds the potential to reshape the landscape of future industries and national security. As we prepare the Quantum Comprehensive Plan, we must thoughtfully address the specific needs of Korea’s emerging quantum ecosystem.”