Pusan National University

Overview of Quantum Technology Research

Research teams at Pusan National University are focused on advancing the fields of quantum optics and atomic ensemble-based sensors. Our contributions have significant implications for quantum information science, including advancements in quantum repeaters and memory. Notable milestones include the generation of polarization-entangled photons. Additionally, we are working on the development of exotic quantum devices that leverage the wave nature and quantum mechanical properties of electrons.


Professors and Laboratories

Department of Physics / professor Han-Seb Moon

Quantum ensemble based quantum entanglement light source, quantum memory, and quantum sensor.


문한섭 교수님 < Atomic & Quantum Optics Lab >

Homepage https://atum.pusan.ac.kr/atum/index.do

Overall research theme : Our research focus is focused on two areas of study: quantum optics and quantum sensor based on atomic ensemble. The outcomes of our research have direct applications in the realm of quantum information science, encompassing quantum repeaters, quantum computers, and quantum memory. Noteworthy achievements from our work include the generation of polarization-entangled photons from a warm atomic ensemble, the implementation of entanglement swapping employing autonomous polarization-entangled photon pairs from a warm atomic ensemble, the realization of four-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement through collective two-photon coherence in Doppler-broadened atoms, and the establishment of induced coherence via spontaneous four-wave mixing in atomic ensembles.


Department of Physics / professor Yunchul Chung

Development of semiconductor based quantum devices and measurement devices.


정윤철 교수님 < Mesoscopic and Quantum Device Lab. >

Homepage http://meso.pusan.ac.kr

Overall research theme : Our research goal is to develop and study exotic quantum devices exploiting the wave nature and quantum mechanical properties of electrons. In addition, we are developing techniques for precision quantum state manipulation and measurement, as well as precision electronics needed for the experiments. Finally, we are developing dry dilution refrigerators, which are essential devices for quantum device research.